Hoover Institution Public Policy Inquiry: International Monetary Fund Homepage

ORIGINS The collapse of the international gold standard, the inter-war rise of “beggar-thy-neighbor” trade policies, and the self-interest of bankers and politicans gave birth to the IMF in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.
Operations OPERATIONS What is the mission and activities of the IMF, and how does the fund make its decisions? The IMF and its critics respond.
Financing Programs FINANCING PROGRAMS What are the various IMF financing programs, how do they work, what are their objectives, and have they been effective?
Conditionality CONDITIONALITY Explore the history, role, operations, and effectiveness of IMF conditionality. Does it encourage economic and political reform, or does it contribute to financial crises?
RECENT FINANCING INITIATIVES Study the pros and cons of recent IMF financing programs in Africa, East Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Russia.
Mission Creep MISSION CREEP Should IMF financing decisions consider human rights, government corruption, geopolitics, social safety nets, and environmental issues in borrowing countries?
REFORM PROPOSALS Examine recent proposals to reform the IMF that were offered by major industrial countries and leading scholars.
ABOLISH THE IMF? Is the IMF “ineffective, unnecessary, and obsolete,” or is it “indispensable” for international financial stability? Read opposing viewpoints and decide for yourself.
ANNUAL MEETINGS ANNUAL MEETINGS Read news stories and commentaries on the annual meetings of the IMF.
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© 2024 *This is not the official website for the IMF. The views expressed on this website are entirely those of the authors of each article.